Amusement Park – Guest Experience

How to deliver a better Guest Experience removing friction points to increase Guest Engagement, Footfall, and Revenue?

Over the past couple of years, COVID has kept guests out of Amusement Parks, greatly minimizing their revenues and membership experience. Without guests actively visiting Amusement Parks, business was at a loss, leaving this year’s efforts to increase guest engagement, footfall, and revenue to increase.

Resulting efforts required a great deal of innovation in 2022 along with much higher expenses for the attraction of guests. Drawing guests inside the gates became a much more active task for the marketing team of these parks along with the entire staff to work hand in hand to help improve the guest experience while guests are on site. For this reason, Pigeon-Tech is here with the many customizable apps that can help keep your guests engaged before, during, and after their journey throughout your site.

With the integration of various Pigeon Suite tools, you have various features available for your guests, working to increase their experience while also increasing your revenue through interaction during their visits:

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Today guests rely more on their mobile devices than anything else, improve guest experience by also relying on your mobile apps too. You can meet their needs and wants with the customization of Pigeon Suite app, as you can engage and communicate with your visitors throughout their visit to your parks. Even more, your level of customer service and engagement will help improve your park reviews and lead to increased recommendations of enjoyable guest experience by all your visitors. Pigeon Suite App helps engage your guests even before they enter your park gates. This starts with advanced planning of their visits, helping your guests learn all the details of your venue including activities, rides, and all available stops along their visit. While knowing what to expect along the way they can also learn how to navigate your park before entering your site. So, the challenge of the pandemic has eased allowing guests within the gates to have a better guest experience. But what are the hiccups that friction points on your site bring on? You may start with the delay in queues at various points across your park, from simple food orders to purchasing tickets for events. Even more, with customers frustrated by delays and other friction points during their visits, early departure is always a risk. Either way, these inconveniences can drop your revenue drastically.  Continuing to deliver a seamless guest experience, with continued footfall and ease of navigation through your park will help in revenue gains. This helps your guests spend more time at your location, buy more products, increase their loyalty, and share their experience at your venue with their friends and family. Your guests will eventually become members, increasing repeat business. So, the most efficient way to improve your customer’s experience at your location? Pigeon Suite app elevating the interaction of your guests for a better experience! So, with all this together, you can improve your guest experience and increase your revenue together through Pigeon Suite app. By focusing on guest communication and experience together, you can increase your business with better marketing processes, increased sales, improved customer service, and smoother workflows overall. By taking on the many customizable and productive features of the Pigeon Suite app, meet the specific needs and desires of your customers. This will further improve your guest experience and  help increase your revenue exponentially over time. To learn more about Pigeon-Tech and all our available apps, Request a Demo!
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