How Does Indoor Navigation Tech Help Large Event Management? [Indoor Mapping and Indoor Location Technology]

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Indoor navigation technology when customized as an indoor navigation app is an extensive platform for large event management, making it a breezy task when faced with the challenge of successfully organizing global trade shows and international exhibitions.

This post explores how indoor mapping and indoor location technologies can enhance visitor experience through superior facility management.

The app could help with booking slots before the exhibition, double up as an event check-in app, in addition to aiding with navigation and wayfinding inside the venue during the show, notifying stakeholders of important developments during an expo, obtain real-time feedback during and after the exhibition, etc.

Also, read our blog 5 Professional Ways for Large Facilities to Enhance Visitor Experience

For the event organizers/hosts of large-scale trade expos and conferences, visitor experience takes paramount importance as a happy visitor will definitely turn into a loyal customer/follower.

Enhancing visitor experience through simplified information on an indoor navigation app is much simpler now – hosts can look at studying the data generated and take strategic decisions based on user behavior and usage of the facility.

As apps are replacing traditional paper-drawn plans for managing events, international trade shows and expos are gearing up to absorb this new tech into their facility management.

Why You Need To Consider Indoor Navigation Tech For Your Event

Event planners of large events can use such apps to improve visitor experience by personalizing the event, resulting in efficient facility usage. This can be accomplished by setting up beacons, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) bracelets or wrist bands, etc.

1. Provides Valuable Information

These apps contribute relevant data about the floor plan, shortest paths to reach points of interest, safety alerts & tips, etc. in large events.

Information may include the precise location of a point of interest, what’s on offer at that point, wayfinding, and real-time notifications among others.

2. Reduces Wait Time

The app controls crowd flow at large events be reducing wait times. With the event check-in feature, the app allows visitors to check in through their smart devices, unlike earlier where they have to wait in long queues at a single window.

3. Improves Revenue Generation

The app also serves as a promotional platform for event organizers where-in they can promote specific offers and deals from various participants of the trade show. Advertisements and promotional notifications can be sent based on visitors’ location during the event.

This feature is part of the Location Based Services (LBS).

4. Gamification and Play

Gamification and treasure hunts are a fun way to engage visitors during an expo that is spread over a large area.

Users can log-in to their smart devices through Wi-Fi at the facility, thereby enabling them to answer questions, look for clues, arrive at pre-determined destinations, and earn reward points during this activity.

5. Asset Tracking

An indoor navigation app helps in tracking assets, both movable or immovable. It can also help in tracking an individual’s location while navigating the facility during the course of the event.

6. Enhances Visitor Experience

Visitors get to know each and every aspect of the event when they engage with the surroundings better, visiting every exhibit so that they derive the utmost benefit out of the time spent.

Using their Smartphones to navigate, visitors can bookmark their route by marking points of interest. Such apps work like a personalized event manager wherein users can interact effortlessly with the app for planning their time at the venue.

7. Real-time Feedback

Every large event planner wants to obtain real-time feedback from visitors through questionnaires or surveys. Indoor navigation system helps in improving services during the show and paves way for better facility utilization, space management, and workforce productivity.

Also, read our blog All You Need to Know About Indoor Positioning and Navigation Systems

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