Indoor Navigation App: The Next Big Paradigm Shift In Facility Management [Indoor Positioning and Navigation]

The blog presents various facets of an indoor positioning and navigation app and outlines its benefits for facility managers.
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In today’s business environment, managing facilities effectively is as important as team collaboration for an organization’s success.

Globally, we have been witnessing the emergence and growth of facilities spread over vast areas of lands.

Take for instance the largest medical facility in the world, the Texas Medical Center or a corporate facility such as the Apple Park, or an educational facility like the Stanford University. How are these spaces and the resources within them managed efficiently?

All of these spaces mentioned above are spread across hundreds of acres. What tools do they use to communicate? What technologies have they adopted to make it a productive workplace? Is the space being utilized optimally?

Read further to know the paradigm shift in technology which enables better facility management.

Communication Technologies

We have observed that from the time of emails to the intranet, or recent collaboration tools which aid in instant messaging and file transfer, communication technologies have helped share correspondence and deliver workload accordingly.

As the graph presented below indicates, email still remains a powerful means of contact, for both professional and personal use. However, new collaboration tools are catching-up fast.[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.22.5″ z_index_tablet=”500″ custom_css_main_element=”margin-bottom:0px !important;”]

Paradigm Shift

However, what collaboration tools offer predominantly are features such as instant messaging and file transfer. These features surely help collaboration between the stakeholders of a large facility… but what about other vital aspects of the facility such as optimal space utilization or indoor navigation?

This is precisely the paradigm shift that is being discussed here – adoption of one technology which combines both seamless collaboration and efficient facility management!

Wouldn’t it be much more convenient for facility heads and decision-makers keep track of resources and spaces by just tapping on their mobile screen?

Yes! It is possible to develop such a technology and MapNav Indoor Positioning and Navigation App is one such mobile-application based technology with unique features customizable for varied industry segments.

Technology for Large Facilities Management

For large organizations, managing their facilities is a big challenge.

Whether the facility is a large office space, an expansive shopping mall, a big medical facility, or a full-fledged higher education institution, indoor positioning and navigation technology can help in effective facility management while ensuring smooth collaboration between various stakeholders.

By adopting this technology, the heads of facility can look forward to generic uses such as facilities management, premises mapping, scheduling, event management, and specific uses such as in-app messaging and calling, people finder, safety features, and notifications among others.

In effect, this mobile application becomes the center of facility management, where collaboration can be enhanced through technology, resulting in seamless communication between members of an organization despite the size of the facility.

It isn’t matter of doubt that all successful organizations have adopted dynamic communications systems, is it?

Recent case studies have indicated that effective communication and collaboration leads to better productivity which eventually leads to an organizations’ success story. A Forbes article compiles these studies in a lucid way.

Also read our blog Five Visitor Experience Signs Zoo Management Should Focus On [Indoor Navigation]

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