Would Visitors Use A Navigation App in Shopping Malls? A Brief Story on Visitor Experience

Shopping malls should be a social event, not a hassle. Learn how clear navigation can transform your visitor's family shopping experience.
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Visitors’ engagement at shopping malls seems like a personal affair but, in most cases, it is a social event. Families come together for one common purpose of purchasing and children are allowed to wander all over the venue… hence, how couldn’t it be a social event? But apparently, surveys have disclosed that shopping has become a cumbersome task for families for lack of navigation within the venue, denying them a thorough visitor experience while at the venue.

However, shopping for most populace still remains a self-satisfying element due to the rewarding experience it gives them at the end of the day. Even with the emergence and rise of online shopping, visiting shopping malls is a better social experience than anything else.

Shopping was always a traditional gathering for families, however, with the advent of technology and personalization the facade of shopping has changed like never before. With this evolution, people have started buying online, unintentionally threatening the traditional style of shopping.

Also, read our blog How An Indoor Navigation App Helps Your Business In Revenue Generation?

Can Shopping Malls Get Back That Aura With The Help Of Technology?

Not everyone in the modern day visits the mall for shopping alone. While few visits to catch the breath of normality in their lives and wander around for no concrete purpose such as a window shopper, some others explore the movies or rejoice at fun & games sections. So it becomes obvious for shopping mall facility heads to cater to all kinds of visitors and enhance the visitor experience.

Understand that shopping malls are not just shopping alone but should work as stress busters as well!

Changes that today’s visitors are expecting from shopping malls are

  • A technological based app that can help them navigate inside the facility
  • A mixture of services within that app
  • An iconic feature that can dispense the discounts and offers in each store
  • Integrate a digital view of the venue
  • Event Updates and notifications on a real-time basis

Not all visitors are aware of the entire mall, and as a facility head, you need to make your visitor aware of all the services available within the venue and leave it up to them for further association.

Benefits of having an in-app technology

Here are a few benefits that can bring back the lost charm of shopping malls with the help of their diverse features

Shopping malls are a place which is primarily meant for business purposes, however, services provided by the asset owners for the visitors is least visible and therefore ignored by the populace.

Know Your Visitor

– Store owners can know the profile of each visitor and this can help them chip-in with exclusive offers for them based on their previous records

Happy Hours

– Location-based notifications can be forwarded for the users of the app about the happy hours available at a restaurant, lounge, pub, etc. within the venue

UI Personalization

– The admin of the venue can anytime replace the User Interface (UI) of the app based on the venue requirements

In-App Search For Visitors

– For effortlessly locating intended stalls, stores and other spots within the venue

Similar Recommendations

– For visitors to have options, the app will recommend a similar sort of stores that are close visitors’ current location

Event Notifications

– A lot of events happen in a mall, it’s just that visitors may not be aware of it. With this feature, one can easily get updated with the upcoming events within the venue and participate.

The world of retail has been changing rapidly and mall operators must envision the use of technology keeping in mind utilization of the space by the younger crowd. Shopping should not be sole criteria at malls but providing services that will influence the visitors personally which can eventually make them come back for more should be the criteria.

Also read our blog 7 Reasons Why Shopping Malls and Other Facilities Need Indoor Navigation App

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