
Types of Indoor Positioning Systems [Key Features of Indoor Navigation, Magnetic Positioning and Indoor Localization Technologies]

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Indoor positioning is the most commonly used umbrella term which includes all of these ‘indoor GPS’ technologies. However, when observed closely at the technological platform they thrive on, the rationale for using these varied terms to describe them individually becomes self-explanatory. Indoor navigation, magnetic positioning, and indoor localization refer to technologies adopted by large facilities to help them locate objects, spaces, or people inside the facility where the satellite-enabled Global Positioning System (GPS) does not work due to the infrastructural elements such as walls, cabin material, glass, etc. In order to counter this challenge, Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS) use a wide array of platforms to enable users locate and navigate within a facility, wayfinding to their points of interest. One of the primary reasons for incorporating this technology within a large facility is the flexibility it offers inefficient facility management. Once adopted, users can effortlessly locate, navigate and way find on their smart devices. An extension of these technologies makes Location Based Services (LBS) possible as well. Indoor Positioning Technologies – Key Features So what are the key features of these three positioning technologies? What industries can they be adopted by to help manage the facility better? Which is the most cost-effective type? It has been eruditely mentioned in an article in 2013 that for this technology to be successful and arrive at a point where precision becomes the norm, a combination of technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Ultrawideband may be the answer. Towards the end of the article even leveraging benefit from Internet of Things (IoT) was mentioned, which as we know today, is a reality that has emerged faster than it was predicted. The table below lists these three terms against parameters used to identify them. With growing focus on the applicability of these technologies, as mentioned in this highly engaging feature, it is important to understand the fine differences between these three terms as well.   Indoor Navigation Magnetic Positioning Indoor Localization Used for Navigating inside a large facility Locating people or objects inside a building Locating a device or a user inside a building How does it work? Uses radio waves, acoustic signals, and other sensory information Uses magnetic sensor data from a Smartphone Recommended for use with Wi-Fi & IoT Technology platform Wi-Fi, Beacons, Bluetooth, Radiofrequency Magnetic Fields within a facility Wireless Infrastructure with IoT Accuracy 80% and above 90% and above 95% and above Industry applicability Office Spaces, Wildlife Parks, Resorts, Shopping Malls, Convention Centers Office Spaces, Shopping Malls, Warehouses Hospitals, Shopping Malls, Disaster Management Indoor Data Tracking Possible Possible Possible Additional Infrastructure Wireless Infrastructure, Beacons, etc None Wireless Infrastructure Cost Subject to hardware installation Comparatively cheaper Subject to hardware installation Works as a mobile application? Possible Possible Possible What can be gathered from the above chart is that using an IPS will have to be based on the industry it is set to be implemented in. However, as has been written about in our earlier blog posts, a facility needs much more from a mobile application than positioning and navigation alone. Hence, the success of any of these three technologies lies in seamless integration with other features like indoor navigation which would help in superior facility management. How Important is Accuracy and How Accurate is an IPS? Let’s not forget the fact that an IPS should not be evaluated by its accuracy alone, though accuracy defines the effectiveness of the technology. And with recent improvements in algorithms, it’s much safer now to call IPS the most accurate technology for navigating as GPS systems do not work effectively indoors. This journal article has plenty of details on the accuracy of an IPS. Tracking People and Objects The safety & security of people and objects is assured with IPS as it can control people and restrict them to certain areas. Also, it gives a visual overview of all the personnel within the house which makes it easy to monitor.IPS plays an important role in facilities that need to track personnel and ensure accountability of their safety as well. For instance, while someone (personnel) is in a static position in a space not meant for them, this technology will identify it and notify the management instantly. Additional Benefits of IPS on Tracking People and Objects: • Protection from theft and misplace of assets• Assurance of tracking compliance and protocol• Helps avoid accidents and enhances the safety of the workers and the visitors• Tracks suspicious gestures and optimal employee accountability.

Types of Indoor Positioning Systems [Key Features of Indoor Navigation, Magnetic Positioning and Indoor Localization Technologies] Read More »

Looking For a Unified Communication Platform? 5 Core Aspects Explained [Enterprise Networking and Collaboration]

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Enterprises looking to adopt a secure, robust, and responsive networking solution need to think beyond existing social and professional sites. To ensure seamless communication between affiliates of a network, it is imperative to deploy a unified communication platform. In this context, this post aims to explain the 5 core aspects of an enterprise networking and collaboration solution. 1. A Composite Unified Communication System Before we explore our first aspect of what a composite unified communication system offers, let’s look at a few features of existing communication platforms. • Instant Messaging • File Sharing • Status Updates • Notifications • Group Interaction However, to access these features for employees may not be convenient as they would have to rely on existing popular social networking or professional networking platforms. There are a handful of enterprise collaboration platforms but again, the features are limited and data shared on these platforms is open to all. This is where a unified communications approach is needed. Without depending on social media platforms or enterprise networking sites, this system allows members of a shared venture to collaborate using 360-degree features. Apart from networking, a unified communication application can also help in: • Fund Raising • Filtering Groups • Finding Affiliations • Onboarding Members • Managing Events • Creating Polls & Surveys … And plugging additional features. 2. Interest Groups It can be often observed that communication meant for certain people gets spilled over to unintended recipients, which can be quite embarrassing. Also, the whole point of having groups for secure communication is defeated. Members of an organization or enterprise need to have a secure communication platform which enables them to create groups based on affiliation – for instance, in a firm of 450-500 employees groups can be created depending on their work profile and the department they belong to. This mitigates message spill-over and elicits a better response rate from intended recipients. 3. Data Security – A Unified Communication App? In today’s fast changing digital era, the rise in concerns regarding data security have matched the rise in consumption of digital content. A strange, but healthy paradox. Governments across countries have rallied for stricter data protection laws and have issued notices to search giant Google, and social media behemoths Facebook & Twitter for tightening their processes to ensure user data is not leaked but remains private. Despite these measures, user data shared online remains open to hackers and troublemakers who use this data to create unsavory situations for both users and big tech firms. What is the solution? Do we stop using social or professional sites altogether? Not really. There’s a way out which leads to better data security while enhancing networking and communication activities. The solution – A Unified Communication App! The way this differs from existing social/professional networking apps is quite interesting. While existing platforms leave user data out in the pen, a unified communication app ensures data remains with the users only. Tighter encryption levels also ensure that members of a network have secure access to their app the content shared within it. 4. Seamless Communication What effects networking potential when members of a network need two or more communication platforms to deliver messages. While some existing platforms support instant texting and file sharing, others support event management and fund raising. When these requirements are combined into one application, what we get is a unified communication system for seamless communication and experience sharing, both within and across networks. A seamless communication system provides one user-friendly interface to accomplish multiple tasks & projects, both online and offline! 5. Troubleshooting & Support Extending the previous aspect of seamless communication between peer groups, choosing a platform which supports round-the-clock functionality is a no-brainer. A communication platform which has limited functionality and response-rate creates serious impediments to the process of accomplishing a shared goal. This rings true for networking platforms which are hosted on the servers of big tech firms as well. The data hosted on smaller but secure servers with high-level encryption can be better protected against cyber attacks and data theft. Of course, 24*7 tech support to resolve issues. is mandatory

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Top 5 Benefits of Alumni Networking Apps

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The growth of communication technologies has paved the way for widespread usage of mobile apps in the corporate, manufacturing, logistics, education, and IT sectors among others. Most of these applications have been adopted to resolve the pain points for both the industry sector and their clientele. Similarly, for regrouping former colleagues, friends, staff, and much more, alumni networking apps come into play with features that make networking memorable and exciting.Alumni networking apps offer much more than just meet-ups, they are more than one could ever imagine. Lately, the art of organizing alumni meetings has been fading away and if this goes on then we are on the verge of becoming robots. Because only they don’t have emotions. Although, an ideal alumni app designed exclusively for the folks from the corporate, universities, hospitals, clubs, NGOs, etc. is the need of the hour. With play stores flooded with apps, and mobile phones behaving like an extension of the users, it’s even more challenging to always stay relevant to constantly changing moods of the users.   However, alumni networking apps promise to provide a bulk of features for all sorts of users from professional to casual to alumni groups. Here are the top 5 benefits of alumni networking apps • Creates Oneness Among the Users Have you ever done anything to keep your employees and/or students motivated? One should always take proper measures to encourage individuals in voluntary participation of alumni regroups. This gesture adds value to your institution/organization in the eyes of the individuals associated with it. A robust communication hub like an alumni networking app in universities, corporate campuses, clubs, etc. will always keep everyone connected. A sense of oneness and uniformity in the minds of the people will be intact in spite of the contrasting world views, interests, goals and so on. • Strengthens the Relationship between Employees, Students, and Alumni Batches Alumni networking apps are much more than just a communication platform, they help in building a sacred, yet professional connection between the students-staff-alumni batches and employees-colleagues-alumni batches. • Enhances Brand Visibility and Loyalty In addition to alumni networking apps serving in organizing reunions, they also showcase the brand value of your institution/organization. Only when a person is connected with the brand, he/she will look forward to having a good relationship with the same. The best way for any facility to establish brand loyalty among target groups is by establishing relevance, providing value, providing constant digital feedback, promoting the success of your employees/students, etc. As all these are the challenges of the university/organization, alumni networking apps have additional features that can help in enhancing your brand image. Additional Features Alumni Fundraising Alumni Engagement Alumni Polls and Surveys While alumni reunions need people to come up with one single agenda, polls and surveys will help them come with one well rounded agenda taking in the interests of all the stakeholders concerned. Fundraising for a good cause is always a humane gesture and these apps provide you to raise funds without much physical effort. • Collects Feedback Instantly and More Often Most often communities fail to identify the power of regular surveys and go with annual or biennial surveys. These surveys send out a monstrous questionnaire which will obviously spoil the mood of the respondents. With alumni networking apps, feedback can be extracted with the help of polls and surveys in real time and on regular seasonal intervals.   • These Apps Act as an Omni-Channel Alumni networking apps are an Omni-channel that act as a vibrant hub for all the users. Be it crowd-sourcing of content, event management, one-on-one and/or group engagements, etc., these apps have an easy to use interface with a bulk of additional plug-ins that take you for a joyous ride on a digital platform.

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Why an Enterprise Networking Platform Is the Key to Enhance Employee Engagement [Networking Software]

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Productivity of an organization correlates to employee engagement. Let’s see how improved employee engagement results in better profits for the organization. There are statistics that back the above stated relationship between organizational productivity and the way employees interact with each other. Enhancing employee engagement needs the support of an enterprise networking platform loaded with exciting features. While employee engagement is a concern across the globe today, many management professionals believe that a robust networking software can delight the employees, and enhance their commitment towards the tasks at hand. Enterprise Networking Platform (ENP) For Employee Engagement Recently, Microsoft acknowledged the importance of enterprise networking software and implemented it. Surprisingly, it spurred $1.2 billion purchase like never before! The productivity of the firm rises high when employee engagement is optimal. Two Promising Features ENP Provides to Companies: Enterprise Networking Platform (ENP) is a composite tool which encompasses enables organizational communication within large companies. It can also generate good visibility that most companies crave for in this competitive global market space. Multiple Features in One Platform ENPs offer a wide range of features including messaging between groups, individuals, members, etc., to posting images, GIFs, and videos. When compared to the traditional communication platforms within organizations, ENPs have the upper hand as they can update and share information in a more flexible manner. Being Part of Discussions Anytime-Anywhere The administrators of various groups in ENPs can add members for a healthy discussion to take place. Members with similar business or corporate interests can openly discuss with the help of ENPs, these discussions could even include rating features, blog posts, opinionated blogs, etc. This feature also allows the members of the groups to share information on official projects, specific news stories, and live updates. This means that all the members in the group have a variety of information under their disposal. Employee Networking is the Key to Success The challenges at workplaces might be many but one that always resides in the minds of the team leads of big companies is to find talent and keep them for long. Today, a lot of organizations are addressing this challenge and still, they are unable to overcome it. Read this for more information. A recent survey by Gallup says that having an inbuilt networking platform app/service will have a lot to offer to the employees in a positive manner. However, organizations fail to understand that reinvesting on developing the employees who are on-board and ongoing training will make them reach their optimal potential, otherwise it’s just going to be monotonous. Additional and Effective Benefits of ENPs Employee Communication Platform Alumni Networking Tool App for Event Organization and Networking Overall Networking Software It’s high time company heads think about internal networking rather than focusing more on external networking. Leveraging the benefits of having a strong intra-office relationship are extremely effective as they also help in collaborations with the clients. Hopefully, in the near future, the amount of effort put in for external networking by the companies should be inverted and internal employee network becomes the primary concern.  

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