Effortless Zoo & Aqua Updates

Experience uninterrupted exploration with Pigeon Attractions' automatic updates. Dive into a world where your app evolves silently in the background, ensuring you're always ahead of the curve.

Keeping your zoo or aquarium mobile app content fresh and accurate is crucial for a positive visitor experience. But managing manual updates can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Pigeon Tech’s automatic update feature solves this problem!

Effortless Updates

Simply update your content through our user-friendly dashboard – no coding knowledge required!

Real-Time Information Delivery

Changes you make are automatically reflected in your app, ensuring visitors have access to the latest information.

Centralized Content Management

Manage all your app content (exhibit details, animal facts, show schedules) from one central location.

Streamlined App Management

Reduce the time and resources spent on app updates, freeing up staff for other tasks.

Benefits for Zoos & Aquariums

Pigeon-Tech Attractions not only redefines how visitors interact with your exhibits but also transforms the overall museum visit into a more intuitive, engaging and accessible experience. Are you ready to revolutionize the way visitors explore and enjoy your museum? Join us on this transformative journey.

Enhanced Visitor Experience

Impress visitors with accurate and up-to-date information about exhibits, shows and events.

Reduced Errors & Frustration

Eliminate the risk of outdated information and ensure visitors have a smooth experience.

Increased Staff Efficiency

Free up staff time by automating repetitive update tasks.

Empowered Staff

Empower your team to make real-time changes and keep your app content fresh.

Check out our apps in motion!

Contact Pigeon Tech today and see how automatic updates can revolutionize your zoo or aquarium’s mobile app!