Universal Zoo & Aqua Maps

Experience the power of Pigeon Attractions, designed for diverse platforms and enriched with integrations, ensuring every user enjoys a captivating, holistic experience.

Frustrated visitors lost in your zoo or aquarium are a thing of the past with Pigeon Tech’s innovative universal map experience. Our interactive maps work seamlessly across all platforms, ensuring effortless navigation for every visitor, regardless of their device:


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Web Browser

Embed our interactive map directly on your zoo or aquarium website for easy access before and during visits.

Mobile App

Our app features a user-friendly map interface that allows visitors to navigate with ease on their smartphones (iOS & Android).

Kiosk Displays

Provide clear and interactive wayfinding for visitors using kiosks strategically placed throughout your zoo or aquarium.

Offline Functionality

Downloadable maps ensure navigation even without internet access, perfect for exploring outdoor exhibits.

Location-Based Information

Real-time location updates help visitors find their way and discover nearby attractions.

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Filterable Maps

For aquariums with diverse exhibits, filterable maps by animal type allow visitors to personalize their journey.

Benefits for Zoos & Aquariums

Pigeon-Tech Attractions not only redefines how visitors interact with your exhibits but also transforms the overall museum visit into a more intuitive, engaging and accessible experience. Are you ready to revolutionize the way visitors explore and enjoy your museum? Join us on this transformative journey.

Enhanced Visitor Experience

Reduce frustration and improve visitor satisfaction with clear, accessible maps across all platforms (web, mobile, kiosk).

Increased Engagement

Interactive features like location updates encourage visitors to explore more and discover hidden gems, leading to a longer and more enriching visit.

Reduced Staff Workload

Clear maps minimize the need for visitors to ask for directions, freeing up staff for other tasks like interacting with visitors and answering questions.

Accessibility for All

Cater to visitors with different preferences by offering web, mobile and kiosk map options, ensuring an inclusive experience.

Check out our apps in motion!

Make your organization’s potential a reality exploring new possibilities with us! Book a demo with one of our experts right now and get ready to embark on a journey of transformation.